Business Units

10-04-2024 | read

On 10/04/2024,0915 Hrs, a Mass Safety Pledge and PEP talk was given by Sh Tapan Kumar Bandhyopadhyay, HOP (Solapur) to the contract manpower working for CHP/MGR maintenance and operation sections near wagon tippler in CHP.

Sh Bandhyopadhyay briefed the workers about General Safety awareness in CHP, Fire hazard, Physical exertion in high temperature and Permit system compliance. GM(O&M), AGM(EMD), AGM(CHP) , AGM(Safety) then briefed workers about various workplace hazards in CHP.

Prize were distributed to outstanding workers of CHP operations, maintenance and MGR. Walkdown visit was also done after PEP talk in wagon tippler area and the senior officials guided to improve safety and dust suppression. 

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